User guide

User Guide

Opening days (Usage time)

Monday – Friday Normal opening days 9:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Shortened opening days 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Extended opening days 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Maintenance days (month-end, 1day) 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

For more information, please see the Library calendar (for current students).


Closing days

・Sundays, public holidays
・Anniversary of the founding of Bunka Gakuen (June 23)
・Summer breaks, year-end and New Year holidays, certain periods during spring breaks
・Defined dates in the Library Calendar

*Changes of opening days and hours during breaks and holidays will be announced in each case on the bulletin board and website.


Admission method

The gate will open when a student ID or faculty ID is inserted into the admission system slot.



Borrowing can be done with a student ID or faculty ID. Please show your ID at the borrowing/return counter along with the books you want to borrow.
*People who have overdue books or people in a penalty period cannot borrow new material.


Borrowing books number/period


Number Period
General books Take out prohibited Reference books
1st – 3rd-year students 7 2 weeks
Junior college students
College students
BIL students
4th-year students 12 1 month
Graduate students/BFGU students 17 1 month 1 day*1 1 day
Faculty 17 1 month 3 days 3 days

*1 Limited to material from the reading room shelves.

*The long-term loan period associated with spring and summer holidays will be announced accordingly on the bulletin board and website.

[Magazines / Newspapers]

Number Period
Magazines Newspapers
1st – 3rd-year students
Junior college students
College students
BIL students
4th-year students
Graduate students/BFGU students 5 Only necessary time on the day*2 Only necessary time on the day*3
Faculty 17 1 week*3 Only necessary time on the day*3

*2 Excluding the most recent issue, collections (back number binding collections).
*3 Please consult with us about the most recent issue, collections (back number binding collections).




・When the library is open, please return materials to the borrowing/return counter.
・When the library is closed, please use the return box at the library entrance.
*Since there is a risk of damage to materials with CD-ROMs, please return them directly to the borrowing/return counter.
・If the due date has passed, penalties will be applied. Please confirm overdue books and return them directly to the borrowing/return counter.



・Books overdue until 31 days
Your borrowing privileges will be suspended as many days as you keep borrowing books beyond its due date.
・Books overdue over 32 days
Your borrowing privileges will be suspended for 31 days.
*You cannot borrow or renew books if you have books that are over due.


Borrowing Reservations

It is possible to reserve books on loan. Please apply at the borrowing/return counter. You can also reserve them by yourself using the user service MyCARIN from WebOPAC. As soon as borrowing is possible, notification will be posted on the bulletin board in the building as well as sent to your Gmail address distributed by each school (notification will be sent to a Bunka Gakuen email address in the case of faculty members). The holding period is one week. Confirmation can also be made on the MyCARIN screen.

*The MyCARIN ID and password, in case of students,  are the same as your Gmail account. In case of faculty members who have not used the MyCARIN, notification will be sent to a Bunka Gakuen email address every April.

Counter hours: Monday – Saturday From opening time until 15 minutes before closing


Borrowing renewal (time extension)

If borrowed books are within the return time limit, you can renew the borrowings (time extensions). However, this is limited to if the books are not reserved and if there are not any other overdue books. Please take the books you want to renew and your student ID or faculty ID to the borrowing/return counter. The loan period will then be extended two weeks (4th year undergraduates, graduate students, BFGU students, faculty for one month).

By using the MyCARIN user services, renewals can be done up to three times without having to visit the Library. When it becomes more than three times, please renew the materials at the counter.


Photocopying service of library materials

・For the purpose of study and research only, library materials may be copied in part within the scope permitted under the copyright law.
*Usage of the copy machine inside the Library is restricted to copying of library materials.

Copy fee: monochrome one copy/10 yen, color one copy/40 yen (A3 only 60 yen)


How to find materials

Library collections can be searched by book title, author’s name, keyword, etc. in the OPAC (Library Search System) site on the Internet. Please ask the reference counter for details on how to use or browse the OPAC on-screen “help.”


How to request materials in “Kodaira stack”

Apply at the borrowing/return counter (ordering takes several days).



・There are three Windows units and two Mac units. The images are only captured and cannot be edited. Please bring a device such as a USB memory card for saving files.


Reference service (material consultation)

If you do not know how to find materials or if you cannot find materials on the theme you are looking for, or if you have any other problems, please consult with the reference counter.

We will search for libraries that hold materials we do not have. If you want to use other libraries we will issue a letter of introduction. We also perform services such as sending for materials and photocopying from other libraries.
Reception hours Monday – Friday From opening time until 5:00 p.m.


Group study room (Only people on campus)

There is a room that can be used for collaborative learning while having a group and seminar discussion. It can hold 3 to 12 people.

[Usage time] From opening time until 30 minutes before closing time

[Usage application]
Two weeks prior to the date of use, applications are accepted at the reference counter.
One period of use is within 90 minutes, but it can be extended if there are no other following users.

[Usage on the day]
Applicants (people in charge of usage) should come to the reference counter to collect the key. We will collect your student ID.

If you use the following equipment, please tell us.
1) Projector               2) Free-standing projector screen    3) Laptop computer 2 units
4) LAN cable      5) Extension cord


Purchase requests

If you would like the Library to purchase materials that are not included in its collection, fill out the title, author, etc. in the Book Application Form (located at the reference counter) and submit it directly to the reference counter.
After considering the suitability of the request, an answer will be posted on the bulletin board.


If a student ID or books are lost

If borrowed books are damaged or lost, please report this to the reference counter. As a general rule, compensation will be required.
Do not lend borrowed books to others, do not undertake borrowing procedures with other student IDs and do not ask others to return the books. This can cause problems such as loss. In case anything has been lost, the borrowing user on record may have to take responsibility.
If you have lost your student ID, please take out a reissue application at a school office. You will receive a provisional student ID. You can be admitted to the Library with a provisional student ID until a new one is reissued (only for reading in the library).


Use of personal computers

・Wireless/wired LAN Internet access is available to users who bring their PCs.
・Wireless/wired LAN use requires PC settings. Please ask for details at the counter.


Notes on usage

・Please refrain from talking on your mobile phones and smartphones in the building.
・Please refrain from whispering after entering the building so as not to disturb others.
・The use of scissors or cutters is prohibited.
・For material that is taken from the shelves, please return it to the original location or put it in the book track.
・Always carry your valuables.


Usage during school suspension

・Only reading in the library is possible.
・Admission with a student ID is not possible during school suspension. Please report to the reference counter; we will issue a school suspension certificate for library use. Please show the receptionist this certificate at the time of admission.
*This is valid for the duration of the school suspension.


Usage after graduation

Alumni can use the Library by presenting a membership card or certificate (shown below) to the receptionist and undertaking the correct procedures.
Alumni Association membership card:
Bunka Gakuen University-Shiyu Alumni Association, Bunka Fashion College-Sumire/Momiji Associations, Bunka Fashion Graduate University-BFGU OBOG Association
Graduation confirmation certificate (for library use) issued by each school:
Bunka Gakuen University-Academic Affairs Section, Bunka Fashion College-Academic Affairs Section, Bunka Fashion Graduate University-Teaching Office, Bunka Institute of Language-Academic Affairs Department
*Since the usage and availability dates are different from those for current students, please check the User guide (for alumni) for details.



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